in the B737 Performance Handbook app
Besides explaining all the required aircraft performance, the B737 Performance Handbook app also contains very useful operational tools for the pilot's day-to-day use. Currently the Tools section consists of the following tools:
Landing Distance & Brake Cooling Schedule
Go-Around Climb Gradient & Limit Weight
Wind Components / VREF Additive
Actual Stop Margin
Runway Condition Report (GRF)
V1 Range
Instant landing distance and recommended brake cooling time calculations after landing or after a rejected takeoff as required for various B737 types.
Aircraft: Select your type B737-700 / -800(SFP) / -900 / -MAX8
Flight phase: Landing / Rejected Takeoff (RTO)
Weight: select your aircraft weight in kg or lbs (as selectable in SETTINGS)
VREF additive: choose a value between 5 - 15 kts
Field elevation: choose a value between 0ft and 10,000ft
QNH: choose a value between 990 - 1040hPa or 29.25 - 30.69"Hg (as selectable in SETTINGS)
Slope: choose a value between
Reverse Thrust:
Runway Condition:
Cooling Method:
Brake Type:
Manual Brakes:
Taxi Distance:
Use BTMS: Select if Brake Temperature monitoring System info is used.
15 feb 2022
NEW TOOL: Interactive V1 Adjustment Visualization
A tool is added to the tool box in the B737 Performance Handbook app allowing you to interactively change the V1 within its available range. Immediately you can see the consequence of it regarding accelerate stop & go distances (with any combination of clearway and stopway) as well as obstacle clearance.
31 jan 2022
NEW TOOL: Runway Condition Report decoder (GRF)
A tool is added to the tool box in the B737 Performance Handbook app allowing decoding of the Runway Condition Report (RCR) according the new Global Reporting Format (GRF). The RCR can be inserted manually (typing), or via copy/paste from a digital source, or via scroll selection of the various RCR-elements. A runway visualization is part of the output.
This tool replaces the Runway State Message and Snowtam decoders.
06 apr 2021
NEW TOOL: Go-around Gradient & Limit Weight calculator
A tool is added to the tool box in the B737 Performance Handbook app allowing instant go-around gradient (inflight) or go-around limit weight (dispatch) calculations for various B737 types. Data are based on Boeings FCOM-data, so instead of making sometimes complex interpolations, this tool does the hard work for you in a more accurate way.
09 feb 2021
NEW TOOL: Landing Distance & Brake Cooling calculator
A tool is added to the tool box in the B737 Performance Handbook app